Tuesday, 2 July 2013

30 Things Women Need To Stop Doing

This is something that every girl (who doesn't already) needs to understand and grasp as reality rather than living their lives always trying to be something they are not. This is for the girls who change themselves to fit society's views of "beautiful" girls/women. This is for the girls who cannot look at themselves and see beauty. This is for the girls who think that their life is going no where because of their appearance. This is for the girls who cannot accept who they are because they are afraid of society's opinions. 

Girls (and women) need to take into account that things are no where close to being like the movies and magazines. The world is a whole other place and has different kinds of people in it. The movies and magazines only illustrate a fraction of the world we live in, not the majority. So accept yourself for who you are and others will learn to accept you too. Because once you have accepted it, no one can hurt you, no one can bring you down and no one can make you feel like you don't belong. 
I thought that this would be a good read... 

1. Calling each other “bitch,” “hoe,” “slut,” or anything else of that nature in a negative way. Don’t slut/bitch shame.

2. Concerning ourselves with how much or how little sex we are having and judging others based on how often and with whom they are doing it with.

3. Believing that there is nothing worse than being fat.

4. Obsessing about weight to the point of developing unhealthy habits and even disorders.

5. Comparing our lives to those of other women (and men, actually).

6. Being most concerned about how we look and what we’re wearing.

7. Classifying positions of power with “and she’s a woman!” There should be no “woman” leaders– just leaders.

8. Being afraid of higher numbers: age, weight, dress size. It’s like we’re all supposed to do everything possible to avoid admitting if we have numbers outside of the proverbial bracket of being “okay:” lie about our age, starve ourselves, etc.

9. Being angry and feeling oppressed and lessened by society’s imposed beauty standards but abiding by them anyway.

10. Taking a backseat in the whole “having a choice” thing and trusting that legislators will take care of it for us… or simply not caring at all about women’s issues.

11. Shying away from calling ourselves feminists when our beliefs would indicate such just because we don’t want the “label.”

12. Shaming and/or blaming other women for anything, but namely, sexual assault.

13. Being ashamed of or feeling the need to pretend that natural bodily functions like menstrual cycles or pubic hair don’t exist.

14. Saying that someone isn’t married in the context of oh, it’s a tragedy, but she was able to have a decent life anyway!

15. Feeling like you must have children eventually.

16. Thinking we are any less able and deserving of equal pay, time at the bar, active sex lives and legislative equality and representation.

17. Faking it.

18. Skinny shaming.

19. Fat shaming.

20. Deciding what a “real woman” is and what is not.

21. Concerning oneself with aging and the products designed to combat a natural process that you should be proud of: proud that you made it so far, and proud that you have wisdom lines on your face.

22. Obsessing over ending up alone.

23. Being okay with “chick lit” being regarded as a joke and something lesser because it’s lighter, more feminine, less serious and overall for women, so obviously, not as significant.

24. Using the terms “pussy” or “woman” as insults against men.

25. Complaining about relationships and friendships to the point of downright talking dirty behind people’s backs but never doing anything about it otherwise to mend or dissolve the relationship.

26. Calling each other crazy.

27. Being friends with people we don’t like because we don’t want to “start drama” and we’re inclined to “keep the peace.”

28. Wearing anything that makes us uncomfortable, just because we feel like we need to do so to be attractive.

29. Playing dumb or otherwise lessening oneself for the sake of being more attractive to a prospective other.

30. Accepting blame where we are not to be blamed. 

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