Wednesday 30 September 2015

You have a right to have an opinion...

...But I have a right to disagree with your opinion. And I will.

[This is a little something I wrote back in 2013 and I thought I'd share it on here. I stand by this opinion till today because it still astounds me how people are putting such an effort against LGBTQ instead of focusing that energy on other things - like human trafficking for example.]

It astounds me to know that people are so against gay marriages and gay people. There are so many other issues at hand that need the same amount of attention - if not more - to solve but people focus on things that they feel is "not right" or "against God's word".

Poverty, women's rights, educational rights (and so much more) are issues that are affecting far more people and need more attention and support. These issues are prevalent, dominant and affect not only those who are victims of them, but humanity as a whole. When a girl gets shot for wanting to learn, or a child has his childhood taken away from him because he has to work to support himself and/or his family, that's when you know that society's priorities are twisted for focusing on minuscule things. People only sympathize with these kinds of issues, but they do not know what it is really like to be living that way. They do not have the slightest clue, unless they remove themselves from their environment and insert themselves in a situation like this. Most of these people won't even know what it's like to have half the things us privileged people do. Yet, people want to fight against a LOVE between two people.

I understand that you have to defend your faith and stand up for what you believe in. But when what you believe in is unwarranted, you have to reconsider your position. I mean, does someone who is gay physically or mentally hurting you in any way? Does it make you immobile? Does it prevent you from living your life? Most definitely not. It is just something that you do not think is "normal". Well I don't think that genetically modifying food is "normal" either yet it still happens and most people buy it. I mean, food should be grown the way they are meant to grow, not in a way that benefits US. My point is that what we consider "normal" is really not "normal", for a lack of a better word. As the days, months, years, and decades go by, things change. And we adapt to these changes. It's like when a new virus comes along. We can't really get rid of the virus, so we just inject some of the virus into our body so we become immune to it, so we adapt to it.

Why exactly can't we do that with gay marriages? Why can't people adapt to the idea that maybe there isn't only one type of couple, maybe there is more? Maybe two of the same sex CAN and DO love each other?  From what I learned about God, if you have faith in him, he will love you. Isn't that the basis of it all? So can't a person who is LABELLED as a gay person have the same faith as a person who is straight? Is it not a possibility?

If you live a life with an open mind, you will begin to see what a beautiful world this is and what a horrific place man has made it.

"A preconceived idea of what it all meant for those that liked the same sex; had the characteristics.
The right wing conservatives think it's a decision and you can be cured with some treatment and religion - man-made rewiring of a predisposition.
Playing God, aw nah here we go - America the brave still fears what we don't know.
And "God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten but we paraphrase a book written thirty-five-hundred years ago" 

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