Tuesday 6 August 2013

Rant #4 - Some things must be kept to yourself

(Somewhat ties in to the last post, but it's more specific!)

I commend people who are comfortable with who they are. I give people full praise for being comfortable in their body. They are one step ahead of a lot of people in this world. That is one accomplishment that they should be proud of because it definitely is an accomplishment in the world we live in today.

But there's one issue. Those people who feel the need to share their body on the internet. Now, if it's your job or something (pornstars?) then, well I guess that's a job your doing. My issue is with the people who turn to Facebook or Instagram and use it as a way to show off their body. Again, there are exceptions. If you are at the beach or poolside somewhere and you have a bikini on, that's fine because that's an environment where those kinds of clothes are made for. But when you are in your bedroom or bathroom and taking a picture of yourself in a bikini, or in a towel or half naked, that's just not right. I mean, yes, we understand you love your body and all, but is it really necessary to share your love for it with the rest of the world?

Even worse than bedroom-bikini-selfies are bathtub pictures. With the person(s) in it. Really? Did I really add you as a friend to see you bathing with yourself or someone else? NO! No I did not. I know there is an option for me to unfriend you, but that's not really the point. The point is Facebook and Instagram are not meant for these things. They are not meant for you to share the fact that you are showering with your boyfriend/girlfriend! For goodness sake, have some boundaries in your life. Know what to share and know what to keep to yourself! If you feel the need to share these things, post them on a porn site or something.

This just rattles me so much because, like people who post pictures of alcohol, it's UNNECESSARY! Be comfortable with who you are, but also have some respect for yourself and some boundaries as well. People really need to understand the concept of boundaries and privacy. Some things are just meant to stay with you and those involved. The whole world doesn't need to know about your business.

"When oblivion is calling out your name,
You always take it further than I ever can."